How many songs about love
none is enough to express
what I feel about you
when I am near you
the stars are falling from your eyes
so that I can make a wish every time;
a wish
that is fulfilled at once
when you embrace me
I feel how our bodies are merging
from tip to toes
and beyond,
closed eyes.
your voice
a sound
and suddenly
the universe
is opening
of me
who cares
in the heart
of the ocean
not thinking
at all
I love you, a soul of mine ..
I love your laughter, and tenderness of your hands
I like your movement and your unconcealed longing
your warmth
your infatuation in life
your selflessness
your infinite mercy ..
I love, your fight with your self
that one in which good always wins
like that from that fighting of yours in you
history of the whole world depends on
and thou shalt, by the goodness of yours
save the world ..
I love, and so be it
Can I at all
stop these currents
those shivering that permeate the entire me
when I remember, when I think only
how I slept by you
in your embrace
impressed by your hands
into your beautiful body
Only a drop of silence
Gentle ray of light
Mild breeze on the skin
Your lips on mine...
Only a moment of sparkle
A wave of young grass
Sound of the wings
Your sweet caress...
Only a perfect night
Sun, which is off the west
The city that sleeps in the distance
Two birds in one nest...
May I say, about these feelings
That you have carefully awake
Thousands of dreams which became the truth
Stars that shine above the mountain lake...
there is no me.
there is no you.
that early last-year snow
has covered all our
future traces.
your hands are shaking
spilling up
small words
which are bouncing from the low sky
hitting really really
we are hugged by
autumn wind and
yellow leaves
it is nice only in the dawn
while birds are sleeping
by a touch
of a little mouse that would
eagle want-to-become
one day
who knows
you are awakening only sadness
wasting it over
endless fields
of my fertility
of course that it will grow
if one love could
become proud in order
love to become
why wouldn't now
all these atoms of fractals
all these light years
games that we played
why not
who is going to say
that different would be better
we do not know about ourselves or others
and it seems to us just sometimes
that we have found some golden wire and followed it
and then we are wondering
where from, suddenly, silver frost
and graves
by the road.................
if this morning
for the last time sew for you
shoes of Dreams
with which you'll silently hug
endless fogs of disappearing
my shadow will follow you
to protect you if necessary
and to make you smile if
ever grief fly over
your beautiful face
it is not regret
what I say to you now
it is not desire
which torment me in the long night hours
which I am counting within the grooves of consciousness
it is not the memory
on your lips
and your touch
it is only
one butterfly flew out of the darkness of the larvae
exempt from the staples and bonds which
linked him too long
to an invisible shackles of his
forgotting-ness of his
true self
these are just sounds
of the melody which my heart sings
for the first time in my life
thankfully and wounded
at the same time
it is only anxiety
that I will love you long long time
even when I forget
on which side you're gone
and when I will be able to find you
only if
I seek for you inside of myself
peace is filling my hands
every single cell of my
weightless body
endless lobbies of my
invisible spreadings
soft beacuse of
touches of your
etheric kisses
gifts that you are sending to me
in your thoughts
in your dreams
in your
rippled attempts
to comprehend
these wings that are carrying me
through the dark blue starry storms
I am wishing to you
and I wish you
told without voice
tailoring of the model by which you could
find me when I am not there
love blue and red
that is running down the aorta's with
every beat
of the heart
your sighs that are echoing
across this sky
I hear you.
and I breath peacfully, totally peacfully
I am receiving you as the ocean is receiving
the river with all its memories
I will degrade you only in order to
recreate you again
in that what you are yearning for
and that moment is not far
although the eons can pass by, but
who still cares about the time
in this instant that so gently is chaining us
into infinity...
Lavinia (pronounced as Lafin)
Amaldi (pronounced as Amald)
I am kissing you.
with my invisible lips wrapped around your dreams
your shiverings in the dawn
that only I can feel
I am carressing your eyelids with kisses small and unreal like
a snowflake on the palm
I am blotting the smell of your skin
childlike gentle
I open my soul
I am opening the box of my forgotten hopes
spilled over the carpet by which
you are comming
I feel how you glide
into my body
how your energy is
fulfilling me completely
with no resistance
the power of gravity
layed once again
its role of ebb and tide
there is no rescue there
it simply is,
like that
I am opening the palms
and from them are flying out all these
that you dared
to wish to make
dangerous games
we both love
I do not speak
I am just silent
here and now
beside you
and your reflection in
I still feel
how my skin
is spilling under your fingers
while is giving itself to you
thirsty of the rain that soaks
the valley broken
under the rays of the
high summer sun
I still hear
the sweetness of your words
by whom you are caressing me
in the early morning while touching
my dreamy hands
looking in them for your nectar
I still shimmer
somewhere inside
awaiting for your coming
and for that peaceful merging with you
full of storm
Kiss me.
Stamp your lips into mine
just like you were kissing me while
the stars were falling upon us
and the sea was breaking
upon our feet
Hold me tight.
By your hand accross my
pull me towards you and forever
copy the lines of my body
into your scaggy
Love me.
As in that night in which
with you tears
unwillingly spilled on the warm
footpath of destiny
you wrote forever your name into
atriums of my heart.
Your Question: how to go through divorce Aug 6, 2009
Your Spread
Your Interpretations Self: The Hierophant
There is a part of you that harbors a deep understanding of how things work.
The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
The Hierophant card implies someone who has exceptional knowledge. Every community includes one or two people who have achieved a measure of Wisdom. This card points to you as someone with inner knowledge above and beyond schooling, who may even be able to contact the spirit world on behalf of others.
In ancient times shamans were healers and astrologers, as well as specialists in the alchemy of metallurgy and medicine. Nowadays the Hierophant represents those who have specialized knowledge in any chosen field. She or he speaks wisely from true and direct experience, and serves in a leadership role.GENERAL MEANING
Traditionally known as the Hierophant, this card refers to a Master and the learning of practical lessons from the study of Natural Law. This energy of this card points to some agent or resource that can reveal the secrets of life, the cycles of the moon and tides, the links between human beings and the heavens.
Because monasteries were the only places a person could learn to read and write in the middle ages, a Hierophant was one to whom a student would petition for entry. He was the one to set the curriculum for the neophyte's course of study.
Often pictured with the right hand raised in blessing, the Hierophant is linked with the ancient lineage of Melchezidek, initiator of the Hebrew priestly tradition, the one who passes on the teachings. All shamans of any tradition draw upon this archetype.MEANING of POSITION
The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
The Self position represents your personal identity in the Now -- the only real point of power. It's not about you in an objective sense, but rather a reflection of how you perceive yourself. It points to an aspect of your self-image, outside of how others might see you.
Consider the meaning of the card that lands here in light of your inner experience, your personal perspective about yourself and the issues you bring to this reading. Who are you? What kind of attitude or energies are affecting you right now? What do you want? It's not always easy to know yourself. Clarity about values and roles is essential for skillful behavior. Values evolve, but don't be too attached to roles -- they can change.
Your attitude is of primary importance here because, more than anything, it supports a capacity for happiness, success and love. How are you contending with fears that arise? What aspect of yourself is in need of development here? Is there any attitude that may be in need of change?
The way you perceive yourself may prove to be accurate or inadequate as the reading unfolds. You may want to take a second look at this position at the end of the spread.
Situation: Three of Cups
It is time to take note of a trend toward cooperation and harmony among those around you.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
When the Three of Cups is in this position, you have the opportunity to see people overcome their differences, reuniting in support of their mutual best interests. Not only is this a wonderful sight to behold, it's also worthy of encouragement and nurturing.
The environment becomes sweeter as people begin to appreciate each other and mutual admiration prevails. The most effective style of interaction is where everybody gets his or her needs met and receives plenty of acknowledgment. It's encouraging to see this trend emerge in your immediate environment.GENERAL MEANING
The Three of this suit is often entitled Consent, or simply Yes. This card resonates with a spirit of agreement, mutual support, encouragement and teamwork.
Often pictured as three women celebrating their connectedness in a dance with lifted cups, it could also be called "sisterhood," a real mutual admiration society. It points to all the benefits of harmonious relationship.MEANING of POSITION
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
The Situation position provides a general context for your question -- the set and setting, the politics, whatever is going on around you that might be impacting the situation or issue you are consulting the Tarot about. This card could apply to a specific drama or dilemma that you are now confronted with.
Consider this card in light of the issues, people, and forces shaping your environment, your current circumstances. This position also refers to that which is true from the start -- i.e. the hand you were dealt. Consider the set of influences that surround you and affect your personal life. Take a look at how you have been wandering down your chosen path. Our experience is naturally affected by external factors and cycles, the ups and downs of the times. This card can offer clues as to skillful adjustments you might make.
Challenges/ Opportunities: Prince of Disks
Do your homework. Gain a thorough and deep understanding of your situation and devise a workable plan to see it through.
The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
With the Knight of Coins (in some decks, The Prince) in this position, you are being asked to go to the roots of things. So, start from the beginning and gain some experience to match your intellectual grasp of the situation. Temper whatever power you possess with patience and sensitivity to detail.
It would be wise to steep yourself in the traditions of your field or clan, so you can tap the spirit and ideas of your predecessors as well as their knowledge. In this way you will not stray far from the truth, the substantial reality which supports your vision, and your greater goal. Too many people have a big dream and move immediately into action with no research, game plan or developed skills. Take care of these factors so that your ventures can be successful from the beginning.GENERAL MEANING
This card is usually called the Knight, but in some modern decks appears as the Prince. Traditionally, this card in this suit pictures an overseer of fertility and growth. His period of ascendancy is during the quiet years between conflicts, when everybody can collaborate in raising the collective standard of living. His horse is usually huge and thickset, more suitable to pulling a plow than riding swiftly into battle. His temperament is easygoing and relaxed, he's moving at the rate of the flow, because he knows that you can't hurry time.
Seeing the bigger picture, like a farmer planning for the future, he doesn't allow momentary fads or fancies to distract him, and he doesn't take seriously those who do. One can feel his stability and dedication -- he is totally responsible and even somewhat predictable when it comes to his projects. He is earthy and gentle, as simple and deep as the soil he tills and the flowers he loves.MEANING of POSITION
The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
The Challenges/Opportunities position helps you get the best out of your situation. It reflects the cutting edge in the situation, the learning curve whereby you can turn adversity into accomplishment -- using creativity and a positive attitude.
This card can point to recurring themes in the challenges you have faced in your life -- and to opportunities that may yet present themselves. Can you think of any patterns which are returning to affect you now? If so, try to recall how you have reacted in the past. Perhaps you can see new potentials, while noticing the hidden pitfalls too. Can you imagine a different way of responding to the situation this time around?
The wisdom of this card can help you turn surprises into strengths, blind spots into windows of opportunity. Bring creativity and flexibility to the way you go about your way in the world. Your expanding capacity will become an asset and source of inspiration to all.
Healing a Broken Heart
There's no question that breakups can be painful, and that it's difficult to trust and love again. But there are ways to get past the pain. Here is some of Dr. Phil's advice for healing the heartbreak.In time, it is absolutely vital to put the pain behind you and move forward with your life and love. Otherwise, you are giving away your power to the people who hurt you. Sometimes the relationship you need to rescue is the one with yourself. Moving past a breakup is about you, not your ex. Don't start thinking about being friends right away — if ever. You have to be your own friend first. Grief is a process to go through, not a destination in which to wallow. In a process, you keep putting one foot in front of the other, and each little step is part of your healing. Define your real intentions. Are you trying to move past the breakup, or are you hoping to get back with your ex? You won't move on until you've accepted that the relationship is over. Be careful about the language you use. When you use catastrophic terms like "nightmare," "terrible," and "horrible," you're bound to spend time dwelling on the negative. Focus on what you can do. Sometimes you can't get over being hurt until you know you've been heard. Give yourself permission to express your anger and sadness. Don't embarrass yourself or put yourself in a situation where you'll look back and feel humiliated. Driving past your ex's house, making dozens of phone calls or e-mailing non-stop is no way to let go of the past or come out with your head high. Learn to trust again. Whenever you get involved in a relationship, you know there's a risk. Don't let a bad experience keep you from living your life to the fullest. You can go through life suspicious, or loving and laughing.
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- Concentrate on what you can control
- Create a list of choices
- Do a reality check
- Act on your plan for your new life
Moving on after divorce can be very difficult for many people. You have suffered major loss and have gone through the grieving process.
You are ready to move on
Firstly you do not have to rebuild the life you had previously. You now have the choice to create a new life, with new activities, friends and direction. The first step is to determine what you have control over and what you do not. Your divorce besides giving you freedom also creates legal obligations and so you need to accept those limitations. There may be choices you have made during the divorce process that also limit your control e.g. choosing to remain near the kids.Concentrate on what you do have control over
- Brainstorm to create a list of choices. Brainstorming means you do not stop any thoughts no matter how silly they seem. Instead just pour everything out onto paper
- Review your thoughts
- Start prioritizing them.
- Research them and get yourself down to a few choices
- Take a break for a few days
- Review them with a fresh eye after a few days
- Create an action plan. An action plan should include what you have to do and when you are going to do it
- Discuss this with those whose advice you trust
- Now you should be ready to act on this
This process can be used to think about your career or your desired relationships among other choice. Take your time. This is not the time to be impulsive. Bouncing your ideas off people you trust gives your ideas a reality test.
Moving on after a divorce can launch you in a totally new and unexpected direction, full of life and excitement. Have the courage to pursue it to its fullest.
taken from
Rebuilding after Divorce
Divorce is not easy. In fact the majority of the time it is extremely painful. It can take a long time to recover from the damage of divorce. When a divorce occurs it is like a death in the family. So many emotions can rise to the surface. For example: anger, frustration, fear, sorrow, anguish, bitterness, hatred, and regret are just a few of the emotions that come up during and after a divorce. The person being divorced starts questioning their value as a person and as a mate. They start thinking and saying "If only I had done this..." or "I should have done this ..." or "I am not lovable" or "I'll never be happy" or "I'll always be alone".
Divorce can destroy self-esteem. Depression can sneak into the mind without knowing what is happening. The parties involved in divorce become full of guilt. They begin to question their sanity.
Understand that all of the feelings and emotions that surface are normal. Accept them instead of denying that they exist. Work through each emotion. You are not a bad person for thinking or feeling a certain way. You are just human.
Divorce is never easy for the people involved. It can have long-term affects on any new relationships. Divorce can be a learning experience that makes you stronger and healthier emotionally. It all depends on your attitude and how you act after a divorce. Anger, sadness, depression blame, and frightened about the future are common reactions to divorce. Feelings of insecurity, betrayal, low self-esteem and disconnection can linger long after a divorce. You could go through life blaming other's for your unhappiness or you could choose to live and learn from this chapter in your life and create a new beginning. The choice is yours.
Here are some suggestions for people in the process of divorce and for those already divorced:
1. Give yourself permission to feel your feelings. Deal with the feelings of anger and sadness. You have a right to your own feelings. Let them out. Write about the, talk about the, scream and cry about them. Release your feelings. Take a long bath or shower and then stay in your robe all day and just be with your feelings. You have to feel to heal.
2. Understand that it takes a lot of time to recover from divorce. Healing does not happen overnight. Don't let friends or family rush you through the process. Go about your healing in your own way and at your own pace. Don't feel guilty about mourning your loss.
3. Read as much self-help material that you can. Read or listen to the same self-help book at least 6 times during a 30 day period before starting a new book. It takes that much repetition before you can actually digest and learn from the information.
4. Treat yourself often to long walks in the park, massages, movies, eating out, reading a novel, window shopping, and anything else that will make you feel pampered for an hour or so. Pamper and nurture yourself as much as possible. Do some things that you put off doing while you were married. Start taking care of yourself and your needs.
5. Seek outside help from your minister or from a counselor. Reach out to others. Let others help you through your mourning process. Talk to people that can relate and empathize.
6. Be aware of how you think and feel when you are stressed. Try to anticipate how you want to react and then do the opposite. Example: If you usually talk a lot stop and try to listen instead, if you withdraw, stop and start a conversation. It takes time to develop new behaviors. Be persistent. Stop blaming yourself or others for your unhappiness. Take responsibility for your feelings.
How can you regain a positive attitude after divorce? Try the following: Focus on the positive. Look ahead and picture a happier you. Take up new hobbies and start concentrating on happy events and create a better future through your thoughts, words and deeds. See our what you think and speak article and Letting Go of a Past Relationship and Learning to be Happy
Recommended Reading:
Lifeline Divorce Recovery Program. A Powerful Recovery Program Before, During Or After Divorce, Separation Or Loss Of Any Long Term Love Relationship. Also Children In The Debris Of Divorce .The Mighty Adult, and AlcoholismAvoid The 10 Biggest Divorce Mistakes. Find Out How To Avoid Making Common Costly Mistakes During Divorce And Save Thousands Of Dollars.
1000 Questions For Couples. What You Absolutely Must Know About Your Relationship - Test Your Compatibility And Grow Deeper In LoveBring Back A Lost Love! Bring Back The Love Of Your Life, No Matter How Hopeless Your Situation Appears. Ends Loneliness, Ensures Happiness!
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Your Question: n.f. | Aug 4, 2009 |
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Your Spread |
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Spread Information: |
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Your Interpretations |
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Self: Five of Cups
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Past patterns that once confused you can be overcome; take action to change them.
The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
When the Five of Cups is in this position, you are assessing the mixed messages you received in the past about relationships, an emotional legacy of highs and lows which you could be inclined to repeat. Every family creates an emotional climate that ultimately shapes the character and style of each child.
Early confusion about whether you were loved or wanted colors how you react to and interpret people in your present life. The Five of Cups suggests that you may be agonizing over a pattern from the "bad old days" which is arising in your present life. Don't let yourself simply sink into feeling miserable. Get up and try to make it right again.
The Five of this suit traditionally portrays the mess that is left after an emotional upheaval, such as a tantrum or fit of rage. Consequences run the gamut from a hangover and lost wages, to abuse and ruined relationships.
This card is also sometimes called Inheritance, suggesting the cross-generational legacy of such tragedies. Violent family patterns magnified to a much larger scale can become war.
The card in the Self position reveals aspects of how you perceive yourself right now.
The Self position represents your personal identity in the Now -- the only real point of power. It's not about you in an objective sense, but rather a reflection of how you perceive yourself. It points to an aspect of your self-image, outside of how others might see you.
Consider the meaning of the card that lands here in light of your inner experience, your personal perspective about yourself and the issues you bring to this reading. Who are you? What kind of attitude or energies are affecting you right now? What do you want? It's not always easy to know yourself. Clarity about values and roles is essential for skillful behavior. Values evolve, but don't be too attached to roles -- they can change.
Your attitude is of primary importance here because, more than anything, it supports a capacity for happiness, success and love. How are you contending with fears that arise? What aspect of yourself is in need of development here? Is there any attitude that may be in need of change?
The way you perceive yourself may prove to be accurate or inadequate as the reading unfolds. You may want to take a second look at this position at the end of the spread.
Situation: Ten of Swords
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Since you are unable to triumph over forces larger than yourself, practice non-resistance to the energies around you.
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
When the Ten of Swords is in this position, the anticipated goal appears to have been aborted. Normalcy may have been disrupted and replaced with a certain amount of chaos. Despite appearances, all is not lost for you or your loved ones. It is, however, a shakeup of the prevailing order. You may be in no position to repair the situation because forces larger than you could be dominant right now.
If it seems like you have no control over the outcome, why spend energy trying? Perhaps all you can do is wait things out. Rely on the good sense nature gave you and save any remaining energy for a new start later on. Cut your losses and detach yourself from circumstances. If you do so, you might not have to go down with the ship.
The Ten of this suit represents finality, the end of something. As is easy to grasp from the picture in many decks, there is no hope for revival here. A limit has been reached, a line has been crossed and there is no turning back. In some situations this may be felt as a tragic loss, but it often brings with it a paradoxical sense of release and closure. The waiting and wondering are over. There is no more ambiguity. You can rightly let go and move on, as there is no more progress to be made here.
Emotionally and psychologically, this card appears when one is exhausted and used up, burnt out by the effort of caring and responding and trying to make a difference. When a person feels this way, they have reached burnout and can no longer be held responsible for anything, and therefore can be forgiven for caving in or ceding the fight. The simple instructions are: "Go no further along these lines!"
The card that lands in the Situation position refers to social or circumstantial factors which could be affecting your life at this time.
The Situation position provides a general context for your question -- the set and setting, the politics, whatever is going on around you that might be impacting the situation or issue you are consulting the Tarot about. This card could apply to a specific drama or dilemma that you are now confronted with.
Consider this card in light of the issues, people, and forces shaping your environment, your current circumstances. This position also refers to that which is true from the start -- i.e. the hand you were dealt. Consider the set of influences that surround you and affect your personal life. Take a look at how you have been wandering down your chosen path. Our experience is naturally affected by external factors and cycles, the ups and downs of the times. This card can offer clues as to skillful adjustments you might make.
Challenges/ Opportunities: The Devil
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Get in touch with your deepest passions and instinct, so they can be channeled to benefit everyone.
The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
The Devil card in this position challenges you to feel your desire, passion or attraction fully, but to unleash that powerful force only for the greatest good. Be in touch with your vital force, its passionate energy and urges, but don't lose your head.
These powerfully transformative times demand that we learn to handle unpredictable and unimagined experiences with poise. That can't be done if you fall into judgment, unbridled lust or any other form of emotional or physical addiction. If you can participate in this arousing situation without completely losing your composure, you will be of great value to your friends, family and community. You have some powerful energy within you. Let it express, but channel that expression for good.
What has traditionally been known as the Devil card expresses the realm of the Taboo, the culturally rejected wildness and undigested shadow side that each of us carries in our subconscious. This shadow is actually at the core of our being, which we cannot get rid of and will never succeed in taming. From its earliest versions, which portrayed a vampire-demon, this card evoked the Church-fueled fear that a person could "lose their soul" to wild and passionate forces.
The image which emerged in the mid-1700's gives us a more sophisticated rendition -- that of the "scapegoated Goddess," whose esoteric name is Baphomet. Volcanic reserves of passion and primal desire empower her efforts to overcome the pressure of stereotyped roles and experience true freedom of soul. Tavaglione's highly evolved image (Stella deck) portrays the magical formula for harnessing and transmuting primal and obsessive emotions into transformative energies. As a part of the Gnostic message of Tarot, this fearsome passion and power must be reintegrated into the personality, to fuel the soul's passage from mortal to immortal.
The card that lands in the Challenges/Opportunities position refers to ways that you can turn obstacles into stepping stones.
The Challenges/Opportunities position helps you get the best out of your situation. It reflects the cutting edge in the situation, the learning curve whereby you can turn adversity into accomplishment -- using creativity and a positive attitude.
This card can point to recurring themes in the challenges you have faced in your life -- and to opportunities that may yet present themselves. Can you think of any patterns which are returning to affect you now? If so, try to recall how you have reacted in the past. Perhaps you can see new potentials, while noticing the hidden pitfalls too. Can you imagine a different way of responding to the situation this time around?
The wisdom of this card can help you turn surprises into strengths, blind spots into windows of opportunity. Bring creativity and flexibility to the way you go about your way in the world. Your expanding capacity will become an asset and source of inspiration to all.
i am just wondering, can this be any more true...
I love you.
I have always loved you.
Even when I didn't know your face
And when I haven't touched your hands
And when your strong embrace
Haven't cut me around my waist
And your gentle kiss
enslaved my lips forever
I love you.
I know your every thought
Every flicker
your dreams and visions
I know your paths
and what is dragging you to them
I know you
better then you know
I love you.
I am dreaming about the moment in which
our paths will cross
There is no place for doubt
that we will stay strangers for always
when we are vibrating in this universe
on the same frequencies
with different attributes
facets of the qualities
accords of notes
of the same melody
our own
and non-repeatable
If you hear me
and I know you do hear me
here I am whispering to you
the most gentle words
with the most passionate sounds I am dew-ing your forehead
I am hugging you with the hands endless as the sea
In my pupils
traces of your ideas
I am following them all
all by one, the most hidden
the most sweet
I love you.
There, just that you know that,
like this, written,
black on white.
the time is flowing away..
slow minutes are passing slowly
taken away by the wind
sometimes cold
sometimes caressing
the horrifying past is vanishing forever
it is gone
like the skin of the snake
that is changing it
the new down
is born within us
i am staying here
letting it go
doing nothing
not a single movement to tell you
change this stream
this direction
this outcome
not even a letter of a prayer
to cross my lips
You cannot leave me any-more
That I fall apart every time
When You take away the half of my heart with you
Half of my brain
One hand
Every time a little more
Every time a little longer
Every time a little deeper
A little more painful
A little more poisoning
I left
Closed the door
Disabled for the whole life
Without all the things I joyfully gave you
In all those years in which I have
Loved you but
Even for that I am no more
Realities have been mixed
One of them went non-returnably
Flowed away with your pain
To the dark centre of the Earth
If I could reverse
I'd do all differently
If I knew what I know now
But now
Now is only late
Too late
Your Spread |
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Your Interpretations |
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Self: Art