
I'm so in love with the World.. I wish to say I love you to every man I meet, to every child, just to embrace him, to every women that walks in the street, to every tree, if I could speek
its language..

I'm so in love with everything I see, I know it sounds crazy but
it is how I feel
In Love with Life, with its extraordinery flow, in love with the Stars,
in Love with the Sun that shines so bright
in love with the Moon
and its magical glow..

I could go on and on, don't know if it has any sense.. and perhaps
this is not a song at all...
for how can I sing
about something
so immence...


Craftsman of light said...

very beautiful, Lav!
the sun shines differently when one feels like this!

love and hugs


Lavinia said...

thank you, dear :)

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