

May I go back
to my childhood ? ..

My heart was pure and innocent

and clear
like a dewdrop
on a mountain


Craftsman of light said...

Childhood is a space where one feel less threatened by the exigences of life.
What is it that one would want to go back to one's childhood?

The deceptions of being an adult??

Paradise lost??

All childhood is not so full with sweetness and innocence....innocence from what??

Why should there be less sweetness now??

Love is sitting next to you all the time, but can one see its face when one is so engrossed in his misery.

Mistakes are made...but, one must learn to forgive oneself again and again and again.....like a child!!

Childhood is that space - where, to forgive is'nt so complicated.

Have you asked yourself what was the childhood of your soul, and when will it grow old and die??

With so much tenderness i hug you.

for the subject on relationships.

Lavinia said...

dear j,...
... this was not so much about childhood, it is about the purity of a child's heart...

Craftsman of light said...


Lavinia said...


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